Here and There
Happy Holiday Season. As 2022 comes to a close goodbyes were said to friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances as I begin a new journey into discovery. Discovery of living life to the beat of a different drum. Discovery of life in a northern climate. Self discovery of do I have what it takes. Imagining life in a new environment is different than actually living without familiar things and support systems. I left a house I called home for 48 years. I left a career that was just beginning. I made the change mainly because I felt stuck in many aspects of my life. It was not a momentary decision, rather one that was contemplated over the course of a few years in a world that was changing and because I felt I was getting swept further away from things that are important to me. I contemplated the daily interaction I had with people walking a path in life they didn't necessarily choose or plan to be walking down and something about the realization that we don't really have control over what happens to us in life led me to act now. Life is short. I am grateful for all of my experiences that have led me to today, specifically the really tough ones. I have always given much of myself to others, and will continue to do so, yet now I hope to balance that with also replenishing my own mental health.
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