That's a big egg

 One of my new chickens has given me a few double yolk eggs and these eggs are usually bigger than the normal egg. The other day I found a huge egg in the nest. I wondered if it would be a triple yolker but alas it wasn't.  See the video for when I cracked it open. The tiny blue egg was from Gem, a number of weeks ago, before she started molting. Molting is when a hen looses her feathers as the days get shorter and then she grows a new set of feathers for winter.  During the molt the chicken stops laying eggs to reserve energy to regrow her feathers.

On Sunday morning a herd of cows was wandering in the wheat field across the road from me.  I so wished I was currently able bodied so I could take Teaka to help herd the cattle back home.  Soon the farmer came with a few people and ushered the cows back into his fields, somewhere beyond the trees.


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